Monday, 7 May 2012

gun tuff gun mount laser.

I have been wanting to test one of these lasers for along time now, but I have always been abit unsure about hunting with one.

The laser itself come with three batteries, two allen keys (one to adjust the laser itself and one to do up or undo the mount) one rifle mount and one scope mount, a push button switch (which goes on the back of the laser) and a pressure pad switch which has a long enough cable to mount almost anywhere on the gun.

The first thing I did was to mount the laser to my scope and stick the pressure pad to my rifle stock. I adjusted the laser until it lined up with my scope at thirty yards and then took a few shots. I found having the laser on there made finding the target quicker it also meant I could shoot in low light without any problems.

It is also great for range finding because it will match the crosshairs at thirty yard (or whatever distance you zero your scope and laser at). If you aim at your target and the laser dot is above your crosshair its more than thirty feet away, if you aim at your target and its less than thirty feet away your laser dot will be slightly under.

The gun tuffs laser also comes in a neat little presentation box and is very cheap for what you'd expect.

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