Friday, 11 May 2012

new shoot day 2

I parked my car in one of the farm buildings out of the way, retreived my game bag from the boot, took my rifle from its slip and removed the trigger lock andheaded out inbetween two farm buildings and out into the first of the wheat feilds the idea being of coarse to suss the place out where to find what and generally get to know the land a bit.

So I walked to the right, round the edge of the field and down towards the bottom. half way down the ride I noticed a rabbit have a spot of breakfast in the form of wheat crop, so I started my stalk towards shooting range, sticking tight into the hedgerow, it hadnt seen me yet but it knew I was there as it stopped eating to look around trying to find me. Eventually it put its head back down to resume its meal. So I started to crawl, I got within about twenty five yards an started to slowly raise my gun to my shoulder, rested my cheek on the stock and peered through the scope, the scope reached my eye just in time to see the rabbits white tail dissapearing into the hedgerow.

I found nothing else around this field apart from two woodies and a magpie in the trees at the bottom but they were of across the field before I even knew they were there.

I headed towards the woods, the outside line was litterally scattered with rabbits, I moved slightly to block me from the rabbits view by a tree also blocking my view of the rabbits, I stalked up to the tree and then round it to the right, keeping my footstep as quiet and as soft as possible, I leant against the tree to steady my aim, I held my breathe to steady my aim even more and a small pop and then the familiar skull penetrating crack as the rabbit flipped onto its back sending all the rabbits running for cover. Two stopped on the edge of the bramble, I took aim on the biggest of the two and he took a accupel pellet as well and eventually ending up in the game bag.

As I was to head back to the car I decided to gut the rabbits there and then, I put all the inners in a ditch hiden from the view of anyone walking by, the foxes will finish this up tonight.

Being my first real shoot here its only right I hand the rabbits over to the farmer to say thankyou. after all it is his land.....

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