The problem of Bovine TB in cattle has risen rapidly and there is evidence to show that if the disease was to be controlled in badgers it would reduce the disease in cattle.
Badgers have been a protected species since The 1973 Badger Act and are also protected under European legislation.
Up to 30% of badgers in some areas in the South West and in the West Midlands are infected with Bovine TB.
Infected Badgers excrete vast numbers of infectious terbercle bacilla in the agricultural environment.
Badgers suffer a very painful and protracted death due to Bovine TB and a cull of infected badgers would actually be more humane than leaving them to die from this disease (which the opponents to a cull would have by just using vaccinations).
Bovine TB is tested by a skin test if ther animal reacts to the test, it have then tested positive to Bovine TB and is sent to be slaughtered.
The disease doesn't show any symptoms until it is in its advanced stages and symptons can be any of the following:
- Emaciation,
- Lethargy,
- Weakness,
- Anorexia,
- Low grade fever,
- Pneumonia with a cronic moist cough,
- Lymph node enlargement may also be present.
As well Badgers Bovine TB can be passed on by deer.
Ferret owners who work there animals in infected areas and dog walkers who also use infected areas should be careful as both can contract the disease.
What Will It Cost?
In 1991 there were 655 cattle that tested positive to Bovine Tb, in 2010 more than 28,500 tested positive with a 25,000 of them being slaughtered to the cost of 90 million pounds in compensation payments.
If the disease is left to run its course Bovine TB will cost 1 Billion pounds of taxpayers money in the next ten years.
Badger Cull.
There are two areas of England where badger cull trials are to be held under very strict licencing laws. The government have not descided the two areas for the cull yet. The idea of this cull in to eradicate the disease and not the badger.
The government hope to reduce Bovine TB by 16%.
Caroline Spellman said "There is no alternative but to approve culls, in an attempt to reduce the number of cattle contracting Bovine TB". Farming and Vetinary associations are also supporting the cull.
Oponents to the cull reject the Government claimes that the culls are science-led wanting vaccinatios and said it would incur policing and legal bills of millions of pounds as protestors target the cull sites and the plans are challenged in court.
There have been previous trial that show a cull cuts Bovine TB.
The national Trust and the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) are both Running seperate Vaccination trials.
The national Trust's programme is being run at their own 20square Km Killerton Estate near Exeter.
The badgers will be caught using live traps, injected with licenced BCG vaccine then marked (so they dont get the vaccine twice) and then released.
In feild trials of the vaccine reduced Bovine TB by 73.8%.
John Kittow the tenant farmer of the Killerton Estate who has been barred from selling cattle in six out of the last ten years due to Bovine TB said "A cull is still needed to as part of a package of measures to bring Bovine TB under control".
FERA are using ultra-muscular injections of BCG in a 100km square area near Stroud in Gloustershire.
The aim is to maintain FERA capability to vaccinate badgers and give training to people applying for vaccine licences.
For information on courses go to:
After reviewing all the evidence I have seen I am wondering why the government is opting for a cull to reduce Bovine TB by 16 % when field trial in the vaccine have proved to reduce the disease by upto 73.8%. I'm no scientist but by my calculations a combination of a cull and the vaccines would reduce Bovine TB by 89.8% that's almost 90%. That's a much better result than 16%and will leave plenty of badgers in the wild for the species to survive.
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